- 2022
- Jurnal dan Artikel
Corporate Criminal Liability In Taxation Crime In Indonesia
The development of corporate crime is in line with the development of the role of corporations in...
Lihat dokumenThe development of corporate crime is in line with the development of the role of corporations in...
Lihat dokumenThis article aims to explore theoretical problems related to femicide reporting that occurs in on...
Lihat dokumenPerkembangan jaman yang semakin modern, dengan seiringnya pertumbuhan transaksi jual beli dimana...
Lihat dokumenThis article aims to discuss the shifting occurrence from monistic to dualistic theory in Indones...
Lihat dokumenPengadilan Negeri Tangerang mengeksekusi lahan Seluas 1,6 Hektar Di Suradita Cisauk Tangerang, Ba...
Baca selengkapnyaPengadilan Negeri Tangerang mengeksekusi lahan Seluas 1,6 Hektar di Suradita Cisauk Tangerang, Ba...
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